Gerson Goldhaber, LBL-SLAC Program Advisory Committee Proposals and Experiment Notes, 1959-1974. (bulk 1968-1974).


Gerson Goldhaber, LBL-SLAC Program Advisory Committee Proposals and Experiment Notes, 1959-1974. (bulk 1968-1974).

Record series consists of experiment reports and proposals reviewed by the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) Program Advisory Committee (PAC) of which Goldhaber was a member. Includes Goldhaber's research data and laboratory notebooks. Also includes Goldhaber's reference collection of other scientists' published reports on elementary-particle experiments and accelerator-storage-ring proposals at CERN, Max Planck Institut, and SPEAR (Stanford Positron Electron Accelerator Ring). Research data documents Goldhaber's meson quarks (bosonic hadrons: D+ and K) experiments at CERN, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and SLAC SPEAR. Record formats include proposals, schedules, budgets, published and unpublished reports.

12 cubic ft.


SNAC Resource ID: 8296513

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Program Advisory Committee. (corporateBody)

European Organization for Nuclear Research (corporateBody)

The European Organization for Nuclear Research/Organisation europénne pour la recherche nucléaire, widely known as CERN, was established in Geneva, Switzerland in 1954 to coordinate and perform research on fundamental particles. The member states are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, West Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. From the description of Records, 1952-1987. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 80830917 From the ...